Project kick-off

18. 2. 2022 / Project announcements AI4DEF: Advancing European Defence with AI Innovation.

In December 2021, we kicked-off the AI4DEF project.

The AI4DEF project will study, design, prototype, test and demonstrate the benefits of AI on two functional areas:

  •  Situational awareness/decision-making
  • Planning optimization.

The two functional areas are operationalized in four use cases within which we will evaluate various AI techniques. This will define a repository of tried and tested AI-techniques – an “AI LabStore” – available for armed forces at various points in the OODA (Orient, Observe, Decide, Act) loop.

The core is the concept of AI4DEF LabStore for end-users to further federate and enhance AI components, methods and tools to strengthen European sovereignty. Participation of End-users in the AI4DEF project is key for our success.

The AI4DEF project receives funding from the European Commission (under EDIDP) and it is run by a consortium consisting of 22 partners from 10 European countries. We’re heading the consortium as Project Coordinator.

The AI4DEF project will pave the way for accelerated development and application of AI for defence, and we’re very much looking forward to the interesting tasks which are ahead of us and to be working with so many competent and specialized partners.

This project has received funding from the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) under grant agreement No: EDIDP-AI-2020-066-AI4DEF.